The Family Mungg
A Story About Marmots

Text by Hedwig Kasser
Illustrations by Pia Roshardt

Bern 1940

The Book

Familie Mungg
H. Kasser

The Family Mungg
trans. R. L. Hewitt

The owner's mark is in the schoolboy hand of Dr. Thomas Bentz, now dentist in Interlaken BE. 


He is uncle to Barnaby and Alisoun Probert, to whom this copy of The Family Mungg has passed down.


Eine Murmeltier-Geschichte


Text von Hedwig Kasser

Zeichnungen von Pia Roshardt


Herausgegeben von Ernst A. Kölliker


Verlag A. Francke AG., Bern

Translator's Afterword

Gentle Reader will recognise in The Family Mungg a palimpsest of The Marmot with the Collar. Hedwig Kasser’s is a far lesser work than Eugène Rambert’s (or – in translation – Alfred Graber’s). However, it is satisfying to re-discover, as told for children, and with Pia Roshardt’s engaging illustrations, inter alia, friendship with Hares (White and otherwise), a proper regard for Burrows, Mountains and Flowers (not only to eat), and tales of derring-do before Foxes and ‘Smoke-beasts’. (This is Frau Kasser’s memorable term for perfidious Men.) We observed in our work of the First Summer of the pandemic that, among all the flowers known to the Philosophical Marmot, the Edelweiss is notable for its absence. The translator, although a mere Smoke-beast himself, would suggest that Frau Kasser’s account of its rape and pillage in ‘Thieves’ – which is among the most touching passages – might be her attempt to supply this lacuna in M. Rambert’s earlier work. He is inclined to suggest further that, in memory of those lost on that day, Marmot’s Paw (as opposed to the incongruent Lion’s Paw) should be adopted henceforth as the vernacular for Leontopodium nivale, otherwise known, to Men and Marmots, as the Edelweiss.

Lammas Day * 2021

* Erscht Ougscht

Pia Sophie


The Family Mungg
Hedwig Kasser


Bern 1940

My Animal Garden
Bruno Schönlank

Schönlank & Roshardt - Mein Tierparadies - Front Cover

Pia Roshardt (illustrator)
Children's Books with Marmots (and a White Hare)

Richard L. Hewitt
Kamuzu Academy, Malawi

2020 - 2022
